GBC Featured Articles

Why Do You Need A Gun In A Wal-Mart Parking Lot?
- Written by: Americas 1st Freedom
- Category: Gun Rights
- Hits: 2448
A recent episode of armed self-defense in Minnesota is a perfect example of how gun-ban advocates’ lies about “good guys with guns” are just that—lies.

6-Time Olympic Shooting Medalist Says Gun Control Is ‘Killing Our Sport’
- Written by: The Blaze
- Category: Competition
- Hits: 17130
Six-time Olympic shooting medalist Kim Rhode said Monday night that new gun control measures implemented in her home state of California — and around the country — are “killing our sport at the core.”
Read more: 6-Time Olympic Shooting Medalist Says Gun Control Is ‘Killing Our Sport’

How To Pick A Concealed Carry Gun
- Written by: Sam Hoober
- Category: Gun Gear
- Hits: 2603
Picking a concealed carry gun can seem a little daunting for anyone who has decided to join the ranks of concealed carriers. In previous eras, there were few choices beyond a snub-nose revolver, which are still certainly available and not bad choices in the least. However, the modern concealed carrier is absolutely spoiled for choice, as the market is absolutely saturated with choices.
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