Gun Rights
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- Category: Gun Rights
- Hits: 1986
Gun Owners of America is looking back at the top 10 pro-gun successes the group secured in 2016. The list includes everything from “exposing Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun agenda” to securing constitutional carry in various states to helping defeat President Obama’s gun-control Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.
Read more: Gun Owners of America: Top 10 Pro-Gun Successes of 2016
- Written by: Daily Caller
- Category: Gun Rights
- Hits: 2574
In the recent Presidential election, voters were asked to choose between two candidates with widely disparate views on the Second Amendment. On one side stood Hillary Clinton, who attacked the Supreme Court for simply affirming Americans’ right to possess firearms for self-defense, while on the other stood Donald Trump, who made clear that our government should empower law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families.