BOZEMAN, Mont. (Ammoland.Com) – A mixture of discovery, wildlife research and mystery unfold in a new short film, “Rain Deer” by Fresh Tracks Productions with Randy Newberg, Hunter and available today on Prime Video and YouTube.The film was created in partnership with Leupold & Stevens, Sitka Gear and Boone & Crockett Club.
Newberg is the leading advocate for the self-guided hunter and wanted to showcase a story in an unlikely place (in the high alpine of southeast Alaska) focusing on an unlikely friendship (between a research biologist and a grizzled, wise hunter).
“Our goal was to tell a story of food, deer, and culture, illustrating how hunting and science work as the vital foundation for conservation of both the species and the landscapes that are critical to these local people,” said Newberg of the two-year effort to bring this story to the audience.
Watch the film on Prime Videoand YouTube available today.
“Rain Deer” was filmed in southeast Alaska and documents the importance of Sitka blacktail deer to the rural communities of the region guided by the local knowledge of one of the deer’s biggest advocates, James Baichtal. Baichtal is a geologist who takes a wildlife ecologist, Sophie Gilbert, with him into a place where the data she has been living with on paper and in photographs comes to life for her for the first time. This would also be the first time she would have the opportunity to harvest one of her research subjects.
“In today’s world where ‘social concerns’ appear to be trumping the scientific management of wildlife, it’s refreshing to see a film that includes both,”