Salt Lake City, UT -(AmmoLand.com)- If putting locally sourced, nutritious meat on the table while enjoying Utah's beautiful outdoors sounds good to you, take note that the application period for Utah's 2020 antlerless hunts opens soon.
Cow elk in forest
Depending on the age, a cow elk can provide between 120 to nearly 200 pounds of boneless meat. That meat can then be eaten in a variety of ways, including hamburger, roasts, steaks, stews, stir-fry or in fajitas. A doe deer will provide approximately 40 pounds of boneless meat.
Beginning on Thursday, May 28 at 8 a.m., you can apply for a permit to hunt cow elk, cow moose, doe deer, doe pronghorn and, for the first time, ewe bighorn sheep, in Utah. (Although you cannot apply for both a cow moose permit and a ewe bighorn sheep permit in the same year — you must pick one or the other.)
You must submit your application no later than 11 p.m. on June 18 to be included in the drawing for hunting permits. Before you can apply for a 2020 antlerless permit, bonus point or preference point, you must have a valid Utah hunting or combination license. You can buy a licenseon the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website, by calling 1-800-221-0659 or by visiting a license agent.
Applications for antlerless permits can be submitted through the DWR website. Details about the different units, including boundary descriptions, biologist notes, and population and harvest statistics can be found on the Utah Hunt Planner.
“The antlerless big game hunts are a great opportunity to