Bryan Burhans of the Pennsylvania Game Commission
Bryan Burhans of the Pennsylvania Game Commission

INDIANA, Pa. – (Ammoland.Com) — To further serve as the guardian for wild deer conservation, the National Deer Alliance recently approved Bryan Burhans of the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Greg Simons of Wildlife Systems, Inc. and Chuck Sykes of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to its board of directors. Sam Burgeson, president of Wildlife Research Center, was elected as the organization’s new chairman.

“The National Deer Alliance has made incredible progress fighting for wild deer conservation and our hunting tradition,” says Burgeson, who has served on the board for four years.  “There’s still a lot more for us to do, and it’s a privilege and an honor to be a part of that and this quality organization.”

“It’s a great honor to serve on the board, on behalf of the Pennsylvania Game Commission, to help further NDA’s mission,” says Bryan Burhans, executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. “Despite the relative abundance of deer in the Commonwealth, we and many other states are facing threats to this species, and chronic wasting disease is just one example.  I look forward to working with fellow board members to support NDA’s important work.”

“Our native deer species have served as our principal platform from which conservation dollars have been generated for over 100 years. It’s imperative that our hunting community step up our game in serving as effective advocates to protect the broad, sustainable values of our wild deer herds across North America,” says Greg Simons, principal and general manager at Wildlife Systems, Inc. in San Angelo, Texas. “Ever since attending the NDA strategic planning meeting in Minneapolis a few years back, I’ve felt like NDA represents a coalition of conservation leadership that can

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