Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin says he will sign a bill letting people carry a concealed handgun without a permit or training.We at The Daily Independent aren't huge fans of this legislation, but we aren't opposed to it, either. We believe a vast majority of gun owners interested in concealed carry -- 90 percent or more -- are responsible gun owners who frankly don't need a permit. Our snag on this is the idea that a concealed carry can happen with zero training. We think it is obviously wise, especially for a novice gun owner, to have instruction from a trained professional on these matters. We also are concerned about potential impacts to law enforcement officers who we presume will potentially, at least, face more situations involving encounters with individuals concealing weaponry.Bevin said Tuesday the measure is supported by a vast majority of Kentuckians, the AP reported. The measure won final approval from state lawmakers last week. Its supporters include the National Rifle Association."It recognizes the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. That's really it. It doesn't break new ground," Gov. Bevin told Gray Television on Friday.Under the legislation, Kentuckians able to lawfully possess a firearm could conceal their weapons without a license. A gun-carrying permit in the state now carries a fee and a gun safety training requirement. Among other things, the bill's opponents objected to dropping the training requirement as a condition for carrying concealed weapons.Supporters said the measure makes no changes regarding where and when people can possess concealed weapons.We recognize that gun rights in America is an incredibly sensitive issue. One critically important component of the ongoing debate is of course all the carnage in America due to people misusing guns. The most obvious examples involve mass shootings and school shootings -- they

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