The other day, somewhat lost in all the coverage of President Trump at CPAC, there was a very concerning CPAC talk by Wayne LaPierre. Wayne is, of course, the longtime head of the National Rifle Association. And what he had to say was as enlightening as it was concerning. His focus was on the fundamental freedoms at the heart of the founding of America. He said, in part[1]:  And in our First and Second Amendments, our Founders gave us, each one of us, the two freedoms that historically belonged only to the upper class. Our Founders gave us the freedom to speak freely, boldly and honestly. And they gave us the freedom to bear arms in defense of ourselves, our families and our nation. He went on to discuss the debates of past years, describing his debates with opponents as spirited but respectful of the principles of freedom. It is an era, he made plain, that is alarmingly increasingly gone. He went on: Today, our adversaries, seek not only to challenge our opinions - but our very right to express them. Rather than complete in the marketplace of ideas, they want to rig the competition. Foreclose it. They want to shut it down altogether. Specifically, by way of an example, he pointed to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as someone who “hates the NRA.” Cuomo “hates the freedoms for which we stand” and isn’t shy in saying so. He cited the Governor’s stated view that if you are an NRA member you have “no place in his state.”  Here is the alarming part. Since Cuomo cannot legally ban the NRA - a violation of the Constitution —  he has set about a covert campaign to accomplish the same end. How?  “…By using his power over Wall Street to starve the

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