Burr and NRA I thank you very much for running the Jan. 14 Charlotte Observer editorial about gun control and denouncing the NRA for supporting Sen. Richard Burr. It should encourage millions of NRA members and legitimate gun owners to contribute to Burr and other like-minded representatives. I am sure they are also pleased with the NRA and how successful their Political Victory Fund (PVF) is, and I would also expect that it would stimulate many more law-abiding gun owners to join the NRA. I have been an NRA member for some 56 years and a contributor to their Political Victory Fund (PVF). I am also pleased to see that my donations are being well spent to protect my God-given constitutional rights. If not for the efforts of the NRA, our Second Amendment rights would be further infringed by a traitorous coalition who actually wants to leave us defenseless in the face of an ever-expanding and powerful government. Guns are used by citizens to defend themselves, family, and homes from criminals. Digital Access for only $0.99 For the most comprehensive local coverage, subscribe today. I am sure the NRA is also pleased by your editorial because of the stimulus it gives to their millions of members. Donald Holloway Chapel Hill Juvenile behavior In regards to those opinions stating Democrats have elected a group of foul mouthed children (“Real problems,”[1] Jan. 24), I would submit that the most foul-mouthed and juvenile behavior of all is exhibited nearly daily by the person occupying the White House. This person has lowered the standards for intelligent discussion to all-time lows. Civility is cast aside in favor of tweeting insults and name calling. Compromise is ignored in favor of an I-win-you-lose zero-sum game. In the past two years, this kind of discourse has become

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