Ignoring a threat to every human being

What if scientists announced they had discovered a large asteroid hurtling directly toward Earth? If the whole world worked together quickly we could build a rocket powerful enough to intercept the asteroid and nudge it out of it’s orbit enough to miss the planet. Would we dither and deny? Procrastinate and miss the window of opportunity? Actually, we do have a “large asteroid hurtling toward the Earth.” It’s called climate change.

Honor the haircut, not the war dead

I’m writing in reference to our Commander in Chief’s no-show at the Aisne-Marne Cemetery, where thousands of our men who fought in World War I are buried. We must remember that it was cold and wet that day. We surely would not want Donald Trump to catch a cold or have his hair mussed.

Enemy of people? Start with guns

Here is a fascinating exhibition of selective logic: The “opioid epidemic” has become very serious as the number of Americans dying from addiction and overdose has reached unprecedented proportions. Recently, a surgeon pointed out that part of the blame rests with over-prescribing the drug by physicians because, on average, only half of every prescription was used by the patient leaving the other half for – who knows? He suggested reducing the number of pills in each prescription would help. Very sensible.

We are led to wonder why that logic doesn’t apply to guns. A short visit to Google, searching “gun deaths by country,” will illustrate that the number of gun-deaths per capita in the U.S. is essentially proportional to the number of guns per capita. We are No. 1. Then it should

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