U.S. Rep. John Sarbanes[1] recently visited The Capital, where he advocated for universal background checks, ending gun show loop holes and appropriating more federal money to cities like Baltimore and Annapolis.

Sarbanes, D-Baltimore County, represents the 3rd Congressional District in Maryland. He is running for re-election and is facing Republican Charles Anthony in the Nov. 6 election.

On June 28th, The Capital was attacked by a gunman who blasted through the newsroom’s glass doors with a shotgun. Gerald Fishman, Rebecca Smith, Wendi Winters, John McNamara and Rob Hiaasen were killed in the attack. The suspected gunman was arrested by police in the newsroom and has been charged with five counts of first-degree murder and other charges.

The Capital’s editorial board called on politicians throughout the state to give their solutions on gun violence. Some submitted columns while others opted for an interview. Some did both.

Sarbanes’ comments from Oct. 1 follow. They have been edited for length and clarity.

What can be done to reduce gun violence?

We know what can be done. The challenge is getting that legislation to the floor. In fact, there are a fair number of proposals. If the Republican leadership would let them come to the floor — even in the current makeup of Congress[2] — they would probably pass because there are Republicans who support it. Universal background checks is the perfect example. That is the threshold measure that would garner some strong bipartisan support. Democrats[3] are solidly behind that. If you look at the polling, over 80 percent of Americans and a majority of gun owners support universal background checks. Responsible gun owners know that it doesn’t undermine the Second Amendment.

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