The Wisdom of Barnyard Bruke: Autumn Is Here, Yield Reports, Something Ta Think About, Facts and Humor, Two Tough Questions

The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom of Barnyard Bruke: Autumn Is Here, Yield Reports, Something Ta Think About, Facts and Humor, Two Tough Questions

Greetings ta ever one in western Illinois and all readers of "The Quill".


Autumn officially began last Saturday the 22nd.

Yield Report

The harvest'n machines are a run'n full tilt on both corn and soybeans.

Some corn fields are test'n as low as 13% and go'n straight ta the bin.

Yields are as high as 290 bpa dry over the scale, but the average a feller hears is in the 240 bpa or so.

The harvest I've heard is 174 bpa. I think I noticed a tear in that feller's eye when he reported it, in spite of the 1 government subsidy (50 up front, 50 maybe).

He never said anything about his Govt. Crop insurance, whether he had it or not, and at what levels of yield and price.

Lets hope he had something, but its hard to beat a combination of good yields and a decent price (which we don't have).

Soybean yields have been reported really high. One feller reported 90 bpa, but ya most often hear 60-70 depend'n on rainfall and maturity. Frequent reports around 80 bpa are also reported.

In North IA, and there abouts, they continue to be get'n drenched with rainfall. That is not good fer them, but they are a tough agressive bunch and will get with it if'n and when it ever dries out.

Something Ta Think About

Here is something ta think about whilst ya are wait'n

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