[Speaking Trtuth To Power]

Lori Alhadeff wants action. CNN screenshot.

Wednesday’s Valentine’s Day school shooting massacre—perpetrated by a 19-year-old gunman, armed with a military-style assault weapon—which took the lives of 17 students and school personnel from the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida is the latest episode of domestic mass murder in America.

Some, including President Trump, are now lambasting the FBI for failing to connect the dots that could’ve stopped 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz’s murderous rampage. Mr. Cruz’s alleged behavior, before this tragedy, should’ve been seen as a screaming plea for help.

Where was the intervention from the other adults who witnessed Cruz’s bizarre behavior?

While taking this opportunity to attack the FBI, President Trump is avoiding the gun-control discussion. Trump gave meaningless lip-serving talk about “prayers” and “condolences” for those who lost loved one and friends. Does this president have any credibility, speaking on violence, when he can’t muster sympathy for wives who say they suffered from domestic violence at the hands of former White House staff secretary Rob Porter?

In the aftermath of this horrific incident of gun violence, brought on, in large part, by America’s glorification of guns, we again witness hypocritical politicians who talk about the “rule of law,” while they do nothing to stop these mass murders.

This year, there have been 18 incidents where shots have been fired inside schools. Why have American schools become “killing fields,” where the disgruntled and deranged use military-style weapons to end the lives of so many in instant devastation?

Mr. Trump, and Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan, while saying nothing about gun-control, have targeted the alleged mental health of the shooter as a diversion. Yet, statistics tell us those exposed to domestic violence are more prone to become murderously violent than the mentally abused. According

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