Democrats running for Kansas governor are taking a middle-of-the road approach to guns — attempting to appeal to voters who demand action while remaining attractive to others who embrace gun rights.

They say allowing anyone to have a concealed weapon goes too far but they are also assuring voters they don't oppose gun ownership.

Leading Republican candidates aren't doing the same thing. Republican candidate Kris Kobach rode through a parade with a replica machine gun early in June, a decision that drew national attention to his pro-gun stance. And he did it again[1] this weekend.

Yesterday, we took the Jeep on a whirlwind tour for parades in LeCompton and Westmoreland and at a candidate meet and greet in Netawaka. Don't believe the outrage of a few is the opinion of the rest of us. The Jeep is a celebrity. Lots of requests for photos with it. #ksleg #2A[2][3][4]

— Kris W. Kobach (@KrisKobach1787)

Democrats are trying to win the votes of people like Maurice and Regina McDaniel, Democrats who live in Pleasanton but hold different views on guns. Maurice said he worries a little his party will nominate someone who favors too many gun restrictions, making it more difficult for that person to get elected.

“I believe in self-protection. But like I say, my wife and I don’t agree on that because she’s against all guns,” Maurice McDaniel said at a Democratic picnic near the eastern Kansas town of La Cygne on Saturday.

No candidate is performing a more visible balancing act on guns — trying to reach both gun rights supporters and those in favor of

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