Make changes

There has been yet another tragic and deadly school shooting, this time in Texas. We now have an established goal – a school shooting – for the twisted mind. And while some of those will be tempted but not act, a growing small percentage will actually go on a killing rampage.

Our current system is too shallow and weak to stop the determined shooter of the future. By tightening gun control laws, by strengthening enforcement, by increasing availability of mental health services, by public postings of call-in numbers to report threatening behavior we send out a message to that future killer.

Making some changes is the only way to lower the number of school shootings.

Make NRA pay

There is a way to protect our children during this interim until we solve the Second Amendment problem in our country: establish airport-like security, with a single entrance and exit in every public school. And require the NRA (and perhaps gun manufacturers) to pay for it.

Let’s see how important to them the lives of our children are.

Jonathan Gerard

Chapel Hill

Stop shootings

Yet another mass school shooting, this time in Santa Fe, Texas. Preventing this from happening again doesn’t mean just thoughts and prayers; they have done nothing. It doesn’t mean chanting Second Amendment to a degree that would have appalled the Founding Fathers; that has done nothing. It doesn’t mean repeating the nonsense proposed by the NRA, which is opposed by the vast majority of Americans, and even by most of its own members – the nonsense that has done nothing.

Read more from our friends at the NRA