
Eight students and two teachers were killed in the Santa Fe High School shooting. Here are their stories. USA TODAY

chinews-john-kass-20130507John Kass(Photo: Special to the Register)I know two Greek-American kids who brought shotguns to high school.My brother Peter and me.There were two 12-gauge shotguns. We were going hunting.I suppose that sounds crazy, after what happened at the Santa Fe High School in Texas on May 18.Another mass school shooting, another horror show with at eight students and two staff members dead, 13 others wounded and a disturbed shooting suspect in custody who left explosive devices to kill more people.His name is Dimitrios Pagourtzis, and he's 17.He allegedly used his father's shotgun and a .38, and so the father is responsible for this, too.I can't say yet if he's legally responsible. But he's morally responsible. Those were his guns. That was his son.AutoplayShow ThumbnailsShow CaptionsLast SlideNext Slide[1][2]If he didn't know that something was deadly wrong with his son, he should have. He's the father. Ten innocent people are dead.We live in a legalistic culture now, where responsibility is narrowly defined. The lawyers come up with reasons to mitigate responsibility.But in my view, the father is the father. The guns were his. The suspect is his son.As I write this, after the politicians in Texas had their say, the tired liturgy began anew.School_Shooting-Texas_28698.jpgA woman gestures toward a cross honoring Santa Fe High School substitute teacher Cynthia Tisdale Tuesday, May 22, 2018, who was killed during a shooting at the school on Friday, in Santa Fe, Texas. (Marie D. De Jesus/Houston Chronicle via AP) (Photo: The Associated Press)You know how this goes. You've seen it before: anger, tribal chant

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