When we have an auto accident we're all about trying to make the car safer — airbags, anti-locking braking systems, back up cameras, seat belts. Why can't our legislators work to make schools safer?

Banning assault rifles is a good step! Assault rifles are made for the military to kill people. Assault rifles are not used for hunting. The founding fathers certainly didn't anticipate assault rifles being readily available when they drew up the Second Amendment. There are numerous civilized countries that have strict gun control and their gun deaths are extremely small in numbers as opposed to the United States.

Our legislators are given high ratings by the NRA — 93 percent for our state senator and state representative. Our Congressman receives a 100 percent rating and receives $98,500 in donations from the NRA; we know what he values.

Nothing happened after Sandy Hook. So what will it take? We have hope with our kids! They showed up in the "March for Our Lives." They asked for common sense gun control. They asked for schools to be safe. They opposed the NRA. They're going to vote out those who do nothing. It's just too bad they can't vote now? Our kids are our hope! Where are our leaders?

Jerry Horgen

Henning, MN

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