Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear

U.S.A. -( On 26 November 2018, a young Canadian mother and her 10-month-old child were killed by an adult male grizzly bear. It was a horrific tragedy. Two sides quickly emerged in the discussion that followed. One side suggested that the woman “got what she deserved” because she and her partner were trappers. The other side suggested she could have been saved if she had a gun to use for protection. Lost in the push from these sides were the suffering of the father, the young couple's friends, and the Yukon community they were part of.

The coroner's report has now been released. It has worthwhile information about the terrible events that occurred last November.

Valérie Théorêt was the mother and partner, and Adèle  Roesholt the 10-month-old daughter, of Germund Roeshot.

Gjermund Roesholt found his dead family after being attacked by the same bear that killed them. He used a 7mm Remington Magnum to stop the bear attack with multiple shots, including a shot to the head of the grizzly bear. The bear was stopped only six feet from him.

From reading the coroner's report, and from my researches of actual incidents where people used pistols to defend themselves against bears, it is plausible that if Valérie Théorêt had been carrying a holstered pistol, she, and her baby would still be alive.

Bear attacks are rare. Pistols do not guarantee survival, of course. Bear attacks are very dangerous, and often fatal. Perhaps the most dangerous is the surprise attack with predatory intentions, which it seems, is what the attack on Valérie and Adèle was.

The coroner's report states the bear had hidden two meters (six feet) off of the small trapline trail Valérie was walking down

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