Idaho Fish and Game staff were recently notified of livestock that were killed in late-June in the Panhandle.

The first incident occurred on June 24 and was reported to Fish and Game on June 27. A pig was killed by a confirmed grizzly bear near Good Grief in Boundary County, just south of the Canadian border. In response to the incident, a Fish and Game Conservation Officer along with USDA Wildlife Services staff investigated the scene, provided the landowner with electric fencing to secure remaining livestock and set traps on the property to try and capture the bear.

The second and third incidents occurred near Elmira in Bonner County. A domestic pig was killed by a confirmed grizzly bear on June 28. On the evening of June 29, four goats were killed by a bear on a nearby property. Further investigation could not confirm the species of the bear responsible for the goats’ deaths, but given the close proximity to the previous attack, it is likely the same grizzly bear.

In response to the incidents, Fish and Game Conservation Officers and USDA Wildlife Services staff provided the landowners with electric fencing to secure remaining livestock and set multiple traps in an attempt to capture the bear.

If grizzly bears are successfully trapped at the location of any of the incidents, staff will check for lip tattoos and ear tags to determine whether or not the bears have been encountered before or if they are previously undocumented animals.

In addition, if bears are captured, US Fish and Wildlife staff along with Fish and Game will collect biological data including DNA, measurements, sex and age. If bears are relocated, a GPS collar will be placed on them for future tracking of their movements and behaviors.

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